It all comes down to the personality of the woman, doesn't it? That's a pretty esoteric idea for a man, but it's true. Many men, when they say that a woman is irresistible physically, are accounting for personality without realizing it. Personality is part of the perceived black magic of women. It's a real turn on, actually!

I really couldn't tell you unless I met her and talked to her. Does that seem radical? Considering that sexual and gender politics probably determine more outcomes in life than any other determinant, I'd say... YES!
The belly button ring though... mutilation of sexually attractive parts of the body seems a little too Puritan for me. Erich Neumann's spiritualizing of the body and all, you know? Every time I'm startled by such unattractive deformity I wonder whether highly-advanced societies are pathological. It really wouldn't be surprising.
Frankly, I would rather live the life of a man who idealized the empire of the USA after it had fallen, much as my burgeoning country idolized Rome at its imperial height, than to live the actual life of a citizen in 2009. But still, as "recession" increasingly seems like a euphemism for "depression," I appreciate that I'm living in a unique, privileged historical moment.
And as for the nipples... well, she has a lovely face. I'd have to get to know her.
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