Now this blog will probably end up being full of disclaimers about what I'm not, because people generally can't or don't want to understand interest without affiliation. However, I must state that I'm not an anarchist. I may be indulging in a bit of sexual anarchism here, a touch of Foucauldian activism, in that, although I'm making the subject even more visible, I'm defining myself more by a journey through all interests and images that suit me at the moment of posting rather than choosing an identity that's easily reduced to consumer demographics. Interest without affiliation, folks! Get it?
While I'm not an anarchist, I do recognize that anarchism can produce results. Terrorism is a pejorative term, and really, destroying commercial goods for the sake of making a political point? You mean the Boston Tea Party? A "direct action protest" only because the British lost the war that followed.
And I identify with a destroyer of large cars not only because I'm disturbed by how my country abuses the natural environment, but because I've been treated very rudely by drivers of the vehicles. Call it karma if you wish, but it seems that the possession of such large vehicles with such powerful engines has a negative impact on many drivers. They are like kings and queens on huge, moving thrones, and yet they're just average people. Many do not cope well, and become impatient, arrogant, and aggressive.
SUVs and other large cars symbolize, to me, a corruption of humanity as well as the environment.
So I've sent a little donation via this site, and I'm getting a nice t-shirt that advertises it. Jeff Luers will be released in December, 2009, so, after reading a little about him on Wikipedia and the site run by his parents, you may feel moved to make a little donation yourself. Help the fellow adjust to the outside world again, and encourage him to get involved in some activism, won't you? It only takes a few minutes and a few dollars to make a difference!
Oops, I went a little hypertext crazy in that last paragraph.
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