Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Foucalult, Rant, and Other Words in a Title that Turn a Reader Off

Okay, it seems to me that an intelligent blog writer with any sort of intention other than to indulge in the reflections that get lost in life's daily processes will be haunted by the specter of the "successful" blogger. I'm sure that Google submissions, using cannily-chosen permutations of search terms, will yield a depressing perspective on self-conscious blog posts about posting on blogs. These writers are the sycophants in the courts of communication technology.

Having explored many blogs, I've learned something important, something horrifying about humanity: most "exceptional" people say the same damn shit when given a free forum. "Free," I say, evoking the concept of freedom's first corruption in the USA: capitalism. This mess came over here with the fucking Puritans, perhaps seeking religious freedom as a pretext, justifying the little fish's desire to jump into an even smaller pond. Soon two-atom beings will seek one-atom ponds.

Free of charge. Equal to the freedom to choose one's leaders of course! Ha ha! Damn straight! I'll shoot your somewhat-imperfectly-washed asshole with a Remington I-Saw-It-In-A-Movie, you Osama-worshiper, if you suggest that opinions require reflection!

Uh oh! Too many quotation marks already, alienating to the reader who's eager to support the motetization of debilitating crap! A groveling spoiler! Elitism at its worst! And about those hyphens? Doomed to death row and an eternity of expensive appeals!

Foucault. Calling the subject into question. Lately passed into obscurity because of the fact that all philosophy justifies someone's job, Structure-of-Scientific-Revolutions style. But, you know, even though genomes drive some unfortunates to seek glorious reputations, we should really not judge the quality of ideas.

Mr Foucault, dead of AIDS before some lE3eEt readers were born into mommyless existences, had a good point. One should not listen to sixteen-year-olds in the democratic processes of the Internet. Those who troll YouTube in search of specimens even more wretched than they are should be thrown on the tracks before the trains that work 24 hours a day to carry coal from Wyoming to wherever we need electricity to do our blogging. Why do we put sentimental, kind-hearted terrorists in Guantanamo Bay when these perpetrators of the worst crimes of humanity are allowed to crush souls via their parents' old computers in their tract-home cloisters? In spite of Karl Marx's overwhelming failings, I can't help but want to search his writings for some explanations.

The danger of the rant, at least for me, is that a person will get locked into particulars. Have I mentioned what Michel Foucault said, and how it affects my own perspective? Not at all. It's not my fault, though, it's Andrea Dworkin's. Her neglect-stench has debilitated me, and stolen from me the capacity for reason. It's this same stinky stank that forced Eve to take the unidentified fruit. Let's start a group to counter its ill effects! If nothing else, it's this that forced an unwilling right-wing backlash.

Do not get trapped in the rant!

Michel Foucault asserted that nature and common sense are merely cultural constructs. There is a division between sex and gender, and sex crosses much more into the realm of personality than those with a vested interest in their own emotional pressures, universalizing them as the political interests of a sex, would allow us to admit. Lobbying is very powerful.

Yet, a great deal of what we identify in ourselves...

Wait a minute! This post is less concise than the blogs on blogging will allow! If I hope to make a living I had better invest great amounts of money in books telling me how the innovators of 10,000 years ago did it! Sell plant-eating to dinosaurs! I had better lick yellow shit off the shoes of those who gain momentary attention!

Whew, that was close! I almost felt like a living being for a second! I must go buy McDonald's in order to redeem myself. Or maybe I'll be rebellious and buy Wendy's. It's waaaaay better than fast food, after all!

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